all front lawns should be only green
at minimum? Questioned
why even the hint of shape
of dandelion leaves are unwelcome?
What if you let that dandelion bloom?
What if you didn’t pinch off its head
because you were embarrassed
by its brazen color
announcing itself as something other
than the green surrounding it,
right in front of the neighbors?
What if you stopped pretending
nature could be forced
to betray its own wild
and grow in only one over-particular way?
What if instead of ripping out
everything that didn't look
like your neighbor's yard,
you let what wanted to grow
just grow?
just grow?
Photo by Walter Sturn on Unsplash
Song Choice: Complicated by Avril Levine
Liner Notes for This Groove: This poem was created for the Friday Writings prompt given at Poets and Storytellers United, Genuine Ink.