Nonsense Cloud

Myriads of fantasies
always billow about in my brain,
as easily contained as dandelion fluff.

They promenade in by the score
vying for attention day and night,
brightly feathered and chirping,
heedless of my need
to deal with terra firma.

But if you were to ask,
not just about my imaginings,
but of desires and aspirations –

I want
my children to know
happiness from knowing oneself,
my husband to feel
at ease in the comfort of our love,
my friends to have
peace of heart, mind and body,

a good cup of tea,
a story to tell,
and to find people
who’d like to hear that story.

This poem was created from the prompt given over at A Dash of Sunny, Prompt Nights: Dreams


  1. Whistles!! ❤💜 this is absolutely incredible writing Rommy :D such beautiful longing and desire in your lines.. what better dream than that of our loved one's happiness and welfare. Beautifully executed. Thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights and for your constant love and support ❤💜

    Lots of love,

  2. I envy you your "myriads of fantasies" -- that's why you're such a good poet and creative short story writer!

  3. Well told. Appreciate you sharing.

  4. Hi Rommy I especially like these lines:
    I want
    my children to know
    happiness from knowing oneself,
    How important that notion is to know oneself for what you are and to be accepting of that knowledge. Great poem.

    1. Self knowledge doesn't always come easy, but it's so worthwhile.

  5. The end verse is fabulous

    Much love...

  6. I love that although the speaker doesn't dismiss the fantasies that are "as easily contained as dandelion fluff", she takes the time to remind us what's really important for her heart. And those wishes aren't fantasies at all, but wishes to work into reality. Love the real tenderness that coats every line.

    1. I really wanted to merge the ideas of the fantastical and every day. So glad the tenderness came through.

  7. Curiously it is these simple wishes that help us the most if fulfilled. What a beautiful poem this is.

  8. A lovely poem,,I love your first line and then the turn from those fantasies to the real dreams for your life and family,,,the most important of all,

    1. Thanks Ellecce. This was fun topic to play with.

  9. Those are great desires and aspirations. May it all be so!

  10. Wonderful, simple and sincere desires and aspirations! May they all come to fruition. :-)

  11. Love! Very beautiful! May everything come true! Big Hugs!

  12. Replies
    1. That would be lovely! One of these day it would be nice to visit Australia.
