Faded, Not Forgotten

I ironed the r’s from my tongue
as forcefully as I ironed the curls from my hair.
Musical o’s were subdued and bleached
to help disguise caramel hues to an innocuous beige.

I never questioned it, or the intent behind it.
It was just expected of me. I complied.

Storms came.
Rain revealed the rotting things shallowly buried
with lightning bright enough to highlight all the decay.
Rancid revelations threatened 
to cut me open and leave me hollow.

As I choked, I remembered 
that even before the first clouds gathered
I had already started to question
the wisdom of that childhood advice.
What was chosen for me? What was truly me?

And in the storm’s fury,
though there is much that was lost already,
I let my curls fly around me like a banner
reminding me of the embers at the core of my soul
that could not be bleached away.

This poem was created in response to a prompt given over at A Dash of Sunny - Prompt Nights: Life is a Masquerade 


  1. Whistles!!❤️❤️This is absolutely gorgeous writing, Rommy🤗 I love how your poem gives me the chills! Such raw and tangible emotions surging through these lines; "And in the storm’s fury,though there is much that was lost already, I let my curls fly around me like a banner reminding me of the embers at the core of my soul that could not be bleached away" sigh.. beautifully executed! Thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights and for your constant love and support ❤️❤️

    Lots of love,

  2. "the embers at the core of my soul
    that could not be bleached away." I love that. Here's to embers bursting into flame.

  3. I know the real you is far more gorgeous than any mask. Be your wild self, babe!

  4. We are all individuals yet parents and siblings do try to mould us into their expectation of a child or promised friend. This applied to me and gladly I embraced my differences and we will only be happy if we are who we really are. I really loved this poem Rommy.

    1. Our true selves do deserve a lot of embracing.

  5. This drew me in so I could experience your feelings

  6. Life and people tend so shape us, but they can never make us. Our souls are too strong to be truly subdued. That's the reason why regardless of how hard our Selves are pushed underground, when they times comes... they surface. Curls will not be denied.

    1. It reminds me of the quote, "The tried to bury us, but didn't realize we were seeds."

  7. "I let my curls fly around me like a banner" the line reads like a freedom song...

  8. Agree with Magaly..curls will not be denied! A cry of realisation and liberation!

  9. You dug deep and brought forth the truth of being different in any way. You highlighted that desperate attempt to hide the real you from a world that, at the very least, could ridicule and at it's worst, do real harm. That real need to change to fit in for salvation is something I had hoped no one would need by now. We have more work to do. Strong piece, Rommy, very strong piece.

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed it Sharon. Yes, the work must continue.

  10. Both curls and the r's on your tongue... love the both aspects of a mask... we do need some level of hiding, but we also need to be ourselves... maybe more when we mature.

    1. I think maturity makes us care less about conforming to a mold.

  11. When I think of the phases one goes through in life, especially one such as you have described here, I feel the weight of burdens dropping the truer I am to myself.

    1. Dropping expectations does make traveling through life much easier.

  12. reminding me of the embers
    at the core of my soul that
    could not be bleached away.

    One is so vulnerable that one needs to be extra careful even though it is difficult to reach a compromise!


    1. And often finding that area of peace is a moving target. But it is worth the attempt.

  13. Keep questioning the wisdom of that advice. Keep questioning! :)

  14. Subdued and subjected, oh what could have been.

    1. But there are always chances to do better, if we are wise enough to take them.

  15. Fantastic Rommy!!! Beautiful! The true you will always come forth!

    1. I hope everyone gets the chance to live out their truth as well.

  16. The caramel and curls sing so beautifully now - and long may they xo
