City of Sisters

It’s not known for its sentimentality.
This city
boos and beheads
faster than you can squeeze
mustard on a pretzel.

It’s strange to imagine
comfort under the armor
of steel and glass,
but it is real.

There is also steel in the smiles
of my sisters in arms,

as they say, “Yes, this is bad
but we will make it better.
Yes they aren’t listening,
but we can be louder.”

They scoff at admonitions
to be nice.
Nice? In this city?

Why be merely nice
when you can be ferocious in your kindness,
unapologetically baring your teeth
to protect those
with barely the strength to whimper?

Nice doesn’t go marching in the wintertime.
But Philadelphia ferocity
burns and ignites belief
to keep one warm in the middle of the storm.

The amazing Mimi Salazar and me at a Tuesdays With Toomey event
Photo taken by the equally amazing Kelly Vincent.

This poem was inspired by the prompt given over at A Dash of Sunny, Prompt Nights: Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad, and also in no small way, by the ladies over at Tuesdays With Toomey. Thank you for helping me believe in humanity again. This is also linked with the Tuesday Platform over at Imaginary Gardens for Real Toads.


  1. "Nice doesn’t go marching in the wintertime."

    No nice certainly doesn't but guts does

    much love...

  2. The music video is awesome

    much love...

    1. LOL, I know! I really like Elle King's music.

  3. Nice is to close to complacent... nasty is needed.

    1. Exactly. And some will wear the epithet as a badge of honor.

  4. Whistles!!❤️๐Ÿ’œThis is absolutely incredibly penned, Rommy! I love the fiery attitude and spark of hope and conviction that glows in this poem especially "Why be merely nice when you can be ferocious in your kindness, unapologetically baring your teeth to protect those with barely the strength to whimper?" We are one and shall continue to stand to fight together! Thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights and for your constant love and support❤️๐Ÿ’œ

    Lots of love,

  5. In times like these, ferocity is only appropriate.

  6. This is America. Let your voices be heard. Thank you for adding yours

  7. The time for nice isn't now. Nice would be eaten by wolves that laugh through bloodied teeth. We must be human--thinkers, lovers, fighters--if we want nice to ever come back... to your city and to mine.

    Bear those teeth, sister... sharp, sharp, sharp.

    1. I plan on it, and there's a whole pack surrounding me too, ready to work.

  8. Life is not a game but a struggle; it has always been this way and we must protest and fight for every step forward. Great poem Rommy.

    1. Yes. I fear many Americans have been asleep, for some time now, to the truth you wrote. But that is changing.

  9. I love the poetic voice in this poem, the authenticity of emotion really drives the point home.

    1. I find that is happening more and more. I do enjoy exploring other points of view besides my own when I write, but there are days when I feel I need to release a bit of what I am experiencing.

  10. Replies
    1. There is a lot of hard work ahead of us, but yes, there is good reason for hope too.

  11. Why be merely nice
    when you can be ferocious in your kindness,
    unapologetically baring your teeth
    to protect those
    with barely the strength to whimper?


  12. Brilliant Rommy! Love the pic of you!

    1. LOL, I normally hate myself in pictures, but this is one I hope will be passed down through many future generations.

  13. Love the strength and determination in your poem. A powerful call to action and hope for a better future. Well done!
