The Magic

I’ve sought escape
in the magic of stories,
only to find myself
more sharply reflected
in every word.

The Magician is my favorite tarot card 
and I fell in love with this version from Modern Witch Tarot by Lisa Sterle

Liner Notes for this Groove: This poem is linked to Poets and Storytellers United's Friday Writings

Worthy Battle

My monster must feed
on heart-bloodied bits
of memories
when battles were chosen
because honestly loving
demanded no less.

Moon Story

I told the moon my story,
knowing she'd heard a billion worse.

If the storm feels free 
enough to give voice to its being,
why should my tongue be stilled?

Liner Notes for this Groove: This poem was created for Poets and Storytellers United's Friday Writings, 13 Words on the 13th.

Blue Period

A lifetime of loving and gathering
so many brilliant and subtle hues

yet I find my hand seeking 
for Picasso blue,

reaching for the shade
to underline a year’s worth of words.

Liner Notes for this Groove: This poem was created for the Friday Writings prompt at Poets and Storytellers United, Color or the Absence of Color