Heavy Hearted

I have to kiss the world 

twice as hard now. 

I have to feel the weight 

of each leg of every butterfly 

that chooses to alight on my skin. 


I have to drench myself 

in the feel of moss 

and twilight colors 

over and over again 


to make my heart full and heavy 

with all the world’s subtle delights 

to outweigh the grief it carries. 

Song Choice: Nature Boy covered by Aurora

Liner Notes for This Groove: This poem was created for the Friday Writing's Prompt at Poets and Storytellers United. It asked us to use a cliché in an unusual way.


  1. This is lovely.. especially "feel the weight / of each leg of every butterfly" .. reach out for the small joys to balance the grief... yes, that resonates!

  2. " . . . drench myself in the feel of moss . . ."
    Now, that is "down to earth".

  3. An absolutely wonderful reframing of the title cliché!

  4. Well, that's an interesting reconsideration of a cliche. Liking butterflies but not liking to touch them, I'm sort of impressed by anyone who *can* "feel the weight of each leg of every butterfly" as if it were different from the leg of an ant.

  5. How wonderful!!! To compose poetry around a "cliche title" ... quite brilliant.

  6. You can tell, I relished a cliché or two, verbatim and unadorned - except for a sprinkle of humour, for which I beg forgiveness...

  7. P.S. I should have said thanks to a Linky List that lead me here. I hope my humour may lighten a little any heavy hearts who visit. ♥.

  8. Nice poem based on a heavy hearted cliche... Rall

  9. Subtle delights carrying the grief is a very apt phrase

  10. The world is a royal mess at the moment. So, let the extra-hard-kissing begin...

  11. Gosh. So many feels in this write. And I feel them!

  12. "drench myself in the feel of moss"

    Powerful writing, Rommy!

  13. We need those subtle delights to help cope with grief. Beautiful poem, Rommy.
