Eclipse Warning

My anger is a fast-moving planet.
But when it eclipses fear,
whole worlds can be re-ordered.

Photo by Jongsun Lee on Unsplash

Liner Notes for this Groove: This poem is linked to Poets and Storyteller United's Friday Writings Post.


  1. Anger and fear are powerful forces separate. Together they can be cataclysmic. I agree with Debra, "World shaking!"

  2. I never thought of hiding ones fear by being angry. Guess when I drive really wild and scare the bejesus out of the Mrs. she hollers bad at me instead of cowering.

  3. Love how anger eclipses fear and worlds are changing Great

  4. This is a powerful analogy. When unabated anger eclipses the fear, things can get dangerous. Cower or get angry … two different reactions to fear.

  5. Righteous anger can indeed be stronger than fear

  6. !! So true in everything. Horses are fear based animals and when it is also an anger problem - means unridable. Usually it means their death as they are dangerous

  7. Better uses of emotions, and how cleverly the human mind hides one behind the other .. so cleverly written

  8. A powerful poem encapsulated in three lines! This is exactly when anger is a positive force.
