Changing it Up: Blogging Around with Rommy Week 32

requires adjustments.
Whether you choose
change or it’s fate’s

This poem is linked to Imaginary Gardens With Real Toads' Tuesday Platform

Liner Notes for this Groove: As fall creeps up on me, there are a few changes I need to make. Nothing too terrible, but several things need to shift to better use the resources (especially time) that I have available. One of those changes is moving Blogging Around with Rommy to Fridays instead of Tuesdays, starting in September. 

I expect some changes might take getting used to, but some things will always be constant, like tea. Douglas Adams once wrote, “A cup of tea would restore my normality”. As long as I have a steady supply of the good stuff, I'm sure I'll settle into the changes soon. ðŸ˜ƒ

Guess I'm going to have to do some image editing.


  1. Agree.. changes are inevitable but tea ALWAYS helps!!!

    1. It's simply an indispensable part of my life

  2. I really love that quote by Douglas Adams 😊 and yes change is something we get used to .. though it takes a little time 💖💖

    1. I think the little changes I make will be good for me in the end. LOL, summer has made me too lax. Time to organize and prioritize!

  3. Schedules are meant to serve us, not vice versa! Good luck with your changes!

    1. Exactly! LOL, I don't know how many years I went not realizing that it's perfectly fine to change up stuff that doesn't work for me anymore.

  4. I have left a lot up to fate in the past, now I choose to choose.

    1. If stuff has to change anyway, it doesn't hurt to get ahead of it and steer it the way you want.

  5. I am not much of a believer in fate but I do believe in sweet iced tea and choice!

    1. I've only had an authentic sweet iced tea once when I was in Atlanta Georgia for a wedding. It was quite tasty. I can definitely get behind believing in those and choice as well.

  6. Nice Haiku/Senyru, it makes us think. Change can be stressful, especially if we do not initiate it.

    1. LOL, quite true. It's just a lot less stressful if the change is my idea (or I can convince myself it's my idea).

  7. Replies
    1. LOL, now hopefully I'll be able to make the most of the changes. :D

  8. Replies
    1. Yeah, I've been slammed with a bunch of it lately. But it makes it easier to start some things off with a clean slate.

  9. As long as it's me changing I'm OK... what I hate is to be changed by others.... there has to be a reasonable choice, and the glass has to be at least close to half-full.

  10. A good cup of tea right now, would be good! They say change is good! I don't know who "they" are! LOL! Big Hugs!

  11. I agree with your poem, living requires adjustments. Welcome to Fridays!

  12. Sing it, sister! So true, not even the dead do well with stagnation. I am so glad you are moving BAWR to Fridays. I won't be able to blog more than once a week for a while, and Fridays work yummilly!
