My Stories

They come to me,
whether I am looking for them or not.
Stories always find me, especially
when I swear I have no time

to entertain strange mythologies.
I don’t have to set out the fancy dishes.
They eat well enough
from the things that nourish me, 

and do me the courtesy
of skimming off the poison
leaving their warmth in its place. 

They know how much I need them,
especially in spaces that press in so tightly
it seems like I barely have enough breath
to say, "Once upon a time." Still,

my stories will always find a way. Deep in my bones
I know the distance between them and me
is only as far as I allow it to be.

This poem was created in response to the prompt at Poems and Storytellers United, Weekly Scribblings #50, Down In My Bones. 


  1. I wish I had the imagination to think up stories. It must be wonderful!

  2. Nice work, Rommy. I wish I could control that distance better than I do. Far too often I have to set out some bait & trap them, whether they like it or not.
    Nice work.

  3. I wish I had the skill and patience to craft stories. A fine final stanza, too ~

  4. "Stories always find me"
    I truly understand that this is the way words work

    Happy Wednesday


  5. It is both imagination and experience that gives us the ability to tell stories, and of course observation and putting that away for the future!

  6. I love this, Rommy! You are a true story whisperer.

  7. Your fine response to the challenge .... from a true writer.

  8. "I know the distance between them and me
    is only as far as I allow it to be."
    That's lovely.

  9. Only one who has those stories inside could write this.

  10. The first stanza made me laugh aloud. I've been so busy these last few days, weeks really, that I've promised myself that I would write just a bit less. Then the tales make me break my promise over and over. Stories are living things, aren't they? They happen when they need to, and often when we think we don't. And the latter is a wonderful thing. I love, love, love the closing stanza, mostly because it is true.

  11. I find myself very attached while I'm writing a poem and then for a few days I sit back and bask in the accomplishment - feel a part of me has been exposed. And then, I allow it to fly, and I pen another, and am nourished again :) This is how your poem reads to me... Lovely.

  12. Truly beautiful Rommy! I so love what you wrote!
    And, I have to say, I love what you wrote on my blog, about "The Night They Met". I actually started to cry. You and Magaly, always touch my soul! Thank you!
    Give your family a Big Hug from me!! Sending you all love! Please stay safe! We are all going to get through this!
    Much Love!!!!

  13. Reading it again, it warms me all over again. Such a beautiful reminder of how we bless ourselves by fulfilling this vocation.

  14. Nice that you can do that. Nicely written too. Some writers have lived their stories and then have written of them. Feeling those days in their bones. A lot of mine are sort of lived with flavor added.
    Thank you for the prompt, I enjoyed it but stopped in the middle and finished later, have been to a funeral of Mrs. Jim's cousin, a 100 year old widow who died Monday. She lived 300 miles away, in Baton Rouge, La. I have written with her deep in my mind several times, those times remembered in my bones.

  15. My father always had wonderful made-up stories to tell. What a gift!

  16. I know the distance between them and me
    is only as far as I allow it to be... oh I love that line! Must be so wonderful as a writer to have stories find you!

  17. i have always enjoyed reading your stories and writings.
    it must be wonderful the stories come to you. me, i have to hunt, cajole, threaten or bribe. :)

    Happy Holidays!

  18. Beautiful! Love the hope in this and the healing.

  19. I'm going to leave out some cookies and milk for those muses!

  20. Stories wait with more patience than I have. They come when I search and thankfully when I'm not. Beautiful!

  21. Stories that eat well enough from the things that nourish me...nice one.

  22. I like this piece about the perseverance of a writer. Writing is life-giving, and stories and poems often seem to have their own lives; they just let you meet them. :)

  23. I wish I could spend all my time on creation and not have to be bothered with promotion and networking. Unfortunately, the stories won't promote themselves. I greatly enjoyed this piece.

  24. Stories are exactly that! Sometimes coming in the dead of night. Love your closing lines.

  25. Happiest of Holidays to you Rommy!

  26. Wishing you Happy Holidays!! Big Hugs and Much Love!

  27. Beautiful! So wonderful when the stories come. Happy New Year!

  28. I neglected my stories a bit but it's certainly been A YEAR. Lovely poem!
