Today's Story

What story will I tell myself today?
I wonder,
smelling spring green
mixed into November leaf piles.

Will this be the one
about the dancing trees
with the tempo of their sway
commemorated in the bark?

Maybe I’ll think about the lost
autumn wind that shaped the dancers'
trunks and branches
and how it will return
like no time had passed
between meetings.

You sound like a woman who hasn’t given up,
I say, letting my heart take comfort
in the hush-shush song

my feet make when I ramble on
though a field of leaves
only slightly out of my way
on my walk home.

I answer back,
I really haven’t,
at least not this time.

Maybe I really never will, I add,
making another satisfying crunch
in last year's leaves,

while knowing my pen and notebook
are still waiting in the place
I last set them down.

Liner Notes for this Groove: This poem was created for Poets and Storytellers United's Friday Writings prompt, Dialog.


  1. I like the juxtaposition of intention and reality in your poem!

    1. Thanks, Debra. I was happy that it felt a bit like an older version of me, but with a bit more perspective.

  2. Nice dialogue with yourself! And I like the idea that writing (storytelling) is a kind of talking to oneself, too. I also enjoyed accompanying you on your walk through the trees and crunchy leaves!

    1. Writing this poem pretty much did happen that way. I did cheat and take notes with my cell phone though, until I could tidy it up on my computer. :D

  3. Hush- shush song through autumn leaves was beautiful... last year's leaves made it sound like a longer battle..hard but still determined.

  4. I love the exchange. It sounds like a mind that knows herself and is willing to admit to all sorts of truths, a mind that understand that taking a break from the pen doesn't mean the end of new beginnings. I approve!

    1. Little breaks always feel good for me. Sometimes I even learn something during them! :D

  5. This is a quiet moment by yourself on a nature walk. Maybe 'quiet' is not the right word as you are having a conversation with yourself. 😃

    1. Quiet is not a word most people typically ascribe to me. At least not if they've known me for some time.

  6. "You sound like a woman who hasn’t given up," I like this a lot. Those conversations alone in nature can reveal and also affirm things about self. Great write!

    1. Honestly, nature walks are one of the best things in the world for me. Whether or not it's by myself or with my opinionated corgi. :D

  7. A talk with yourself ... perfect.

  8. I love this pensive walk, that was food for inspiration. I was there with you :-)
