Sing a Song of Giants

Sing a song of giants
in a land far, far away.
Tell a tale of magic
to keep despair at bay.

Whistle an adventuring tune
as you begin your trip.
Wander an ancient desert.
Try to give your shadow the slip.

Gather odds and ends of myth.
Plant the bits you love the best.
Weave the remainder into a quilt
to wrap around you as you rest.

King, from the animated series, Owl House

Song Choice: Owl House LoFi 

Liner Notes For This Groove: This poem was written in honor of one of the regulars at the local writers' group I frequent, Tyler Simanski. He passed away some time late last Friday. Tyler was a fantasy writer too. Sometimes he and I would talk about our favorite cartoons, including Owl House. He will be missed by me and all the other members of the Bucks Country Writer's Room.