In Search of Nuance

This is the bleeding heart
that shines the mirror
begging you not to look away.

This is the ram
unafraid to challenge
both demon and angel,
demanding a response.

These are the hands
cramped from the sorting
of seed from stone.

These are the throats
swallowing worlds of emotions
while looking for a space to scream.

This is my heart
in search of nuance.

All I find is a mirror.

Photo by 卡晨 on Unsplash

Liner Notes for this Groove: This poem is linked to Poets and Storytellers United's Friday Writings


  1. Love this poem, Rommy... "This is my heart
    in search of nuance...." Wonderfully written...

  2. sometimes all there is is a mirror - Nicely done.

  3. Yes, where did the nuances go? Few things are simply black and white in life. Oftentimes, it far easier to ignore the complications, paradoxes, rationalizations and confusions of language. The challenges of trying to express all this sometimes really does make you want to scream.

  4. I have read & re-read this amazing poem several times .. it is fascinating and so incredibly thought-provoking. Thank you for gifting us.

  5. A lot of food for thought in that. Thank you.

  6. "These are the throats
    swallowing worlds of emotions
    while looking for a space to scream."

    This is outstanding, Rommy!
